1.1 Background
UNESCO Edgar faure with the commission has succeeded in laying the fundamental principle of education and apply to education, namely the principle of lifelong education / IFE long edu cation. As a fundamental impact on the incidence of this education, then dikenallah various forms of education and directed the education of children, adolescents, adults and their parents who both work and not that they are working.
Education so definitely different from one another and generally known in the different education system that is used, namely the education system and the On the school system of education outside school, on the other hand. As the principle of lifelong education, education outside the school system has long been known and used in education in both developed countries and the developing countries
1.2 Problems
By reviewing the characteristics and classification of education outside the school, the goals of education outside the school, is not easily defined, such as school education. Therefore, some problems in this paper are.
1 What are the goals of education for youth out of school?
2 What are the goals of education outside school for adults?
1.3 Objectives
Destination drafting this paper are as follows:
1 For a target out of school education to the youth.
2 For a target out of school education to adults.
2.1 The reasons for the occurrence of Education Foreign School System
The details can be disclosed that the reasons for the emergence of education outside the school are:
Reason 1 in terms of factual-History
a. Historic
In general, while people thought that when they discuss education issues arientasinya to the school and teachers connect with students.
They were unaware that a child be before students, children have the education that has been given by his family, especially my father and mother
Fat children learn at home from her mother or her parents where and at any time and the various things they need in a perfect way to petumbuhannya
This is as expressed by Drs. SWARNO that: "In the keluargalah children first receive education, and education in the family is the most important education or personal development of primary children."
So clearly, while the presumption such as the above is a disavowal of the fact that there
In addition, as parents already have the moral responsibility of the education their children so that they will soon become the village that is not blameworthy
b. Education Needs
Awareness of the educational needs of the community along with the widespread emergence of newly independent country with all kekurangannya a result of colonization in the past that took place in tens or even hundreds of years beratus
The other hand, the effect akan awareness education needs of this progress is the science and technology, economic development, political development, the surge in almost all parts of the world
Reality is the need in various skills that commemorate the life of the complex and full of demands, then reasonable people want the various education programs with the expertise
This has in the system and forms of education which was so recognized the existence of the school education system and education outside the school system and have the form of formal education, informal education and non-formal education
c. Persekolahan System Limited
On the other hand the system of schooling, the students are in the form of a comprehensive and kahlian similar sequestered so that their knowledge and expertise from other
Kekurang / weakness of this system that allows educational activities outside school menerobosnya so terungkaplah knowledge and expertise during this perceived as a lack.
d. Potential Source of Learning
Teryata spread in the community to learn a variety of sources that are not be calculated the number of learning resources and so can be living things and dead things
People-oang the experts, those who are smart, the people who fully skilled resources is a learning experience that is humane, while the village of literature, newspaper, magazine, Kaset, Film, and workshops that work there, is a source of learning that can get inspiration needs to find that useful for someone.
Sources of learning, and provide education for employment outside school such as courses and training that is not natural and they get
e. Keterlantaran Overseas Education School
In the beginning people have been organizing various educational activities on the fact that using the system outside the school and held together with ordinary school education, but the activities of many people who have been abandoned
1 Masseducation education that gives skill
2 Adult Enducation
a. Continued Education
b. Education Updates
c. Education Kader Organization
d. Popular Education
3 Fundamental Education
prowess and associative thinking and housekeep
caliber art and craft
caliber honesty
Knowledge of the Environment
Education soul, health and morals
4 Education Society
Training and Courses
Study Collection
Class Free
Pama and Pami
School around
5 Education society can examplizeing People's Knowledge Center
6 Extention Education
the United States with the name Contact Defartemen of Education, University Extention Departement
English name with the Department of Extra Mural Studies
Reason 2-Analysis of Perspective
a. Palestarian Indentitas Nation
Changes the meaning of emphasis on the content of the changes berhubunhan identity with the nation's resumption of national culture from one generation to the next generation
The purpose of this change to the harmonious development of the nation and keseniam concerned in the midst of the current progress of the age so that the nation can live and play an active role in the world
Changes in sistemtis meant that the changes through the steps and channels so that changes can be directed and dipertanggung jawabkan achieving the desired goals
b. Individual-Learning Trends Madiri
The tendency to learn someone can not be by anyone, and the desire to learn this can occur at any time with no memendang Sex, age, educational background, residence, and this tendency is also strengthened by progress in science and technology such as: Radio, Television, Mass print media and ease of communication between the regions. Spread the knowledge of experts propesional can meet the desire to learn mendiri.
Reason 3 in terms of formal policy -
a. Basic Law 1945
1 of the 1945 Constitution
Protect the whole Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, and achieve the life of the nation participate in implementing world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice.
2 Trunk body also mentioned the 1945 Constitution:
Article 31, paragraph (1): Every citizen is entitled to get the teaching. "
Article 31, paragraph (2): Government and menyelengarakan organize a national system of teaching, which is regulated by law. "
b. Lines Haluan Big Country
1 Education lasts a lifetime, and is implemented in the home environment, school, and community
2 Education is also reaching out to programs outside the school education of society, including scouting, practice, practice skills and illiteracy eradication with the rogue use of facilities and infrastructure that have
c. Third light
PLS is a subsystem of a system of national education, which form the human seutuhnya and develop the implementation of the concept of lifelong education. Second subsystem school education and out of school, who support each other and complement each other
2.2 Definition of Education Foreign School
Penbahasan on education outside the school is interesting, because:
1 Education outside the school system is a new world in the form of education and pelaksanaanya different school system with the existing
2 In the education outside the school there are things the same when compared with the importance of education outside school, such as: the form of education, objectives, targets, implementation and so forth.
3 So with education outside the school have been unsure which are all required by the system, such as students, educators, time, material and purpose. With education outside the school system means that there is a pattern to make certain the work / functions of the education, job / function which is different from the work / functions of the formal education system.
4 Teaching how to learn
5 The role of the teacher as a partner of the students in the learning
6 There are braided with the relationship between schools and communities so that children are not sequestered from the public
7 School nyang system must be open, for the children. In conjunction with the implementation of the principle of education for life "education in the school system is called multi ezit etry system". For the principle of education in this lifetime for all those just mentioned can be as students. Education so that schools and education outside the school can be regarded as a macro and micro in conjunction with the education system.
2.3 The characteristics of Education Foreign School
1. The diverse types of out-of school education are designed to accomplish many purposes
2. The Boundary is a skifting one between what many considered to be as formal education and many Complementary these types of education.
3. Responsibility of providing education outside sekoalah for the supervision by public / community, personal observation or a combination of both.
4. Some institutions pedidikan outside school disiplinkan are strictly tehadap time teaching, technology, modern, completeness of books and reading
5. Teachers may be trained specifically for a particular task or just have a professional qualification which does not include the identity of teachers
6. Emphasis on the distribution of program theory and practice of education relative to the outside of the school
7. Unlike formal education, level of education outside the school system that provided limited credentials.
2.4 Target Foreign Education School
The goals of education outside school can be divided into 2 main objectives, namely:
1 Foreign School Education for Youth
a. Causes the occurrence of
1) Many school-age children do not get enough of school education
2) They have a traditional education
3) They have a special skill training through the association patterns
4) They are required to learn norms and responsibilities as a sanction from the community.
b. Groups, education activities outside the school, among other
1) Youth Club
2) Youth Club-farm club
3) Group association
2 Education for the School of Foreign Adult
Education arise because:
a. Adults who are interested in professional work.
b. Adults who are interested in expertise.
In order to obtain the education can be through:
1) Khursus Short-khursus
2) In-Service Training
3) E-letters
In accordance with Government Regulation and the draft goals of education outside the school can include:
Reviewed servant in terms of the objective, in the form:
1) Pre-School Age (0-6 years)
Function of this institution to prepare children before they go to school (Formal Education) so that they have been to live in a different situation with the family environment.
2) Age of Basic Education (7-12 years)
Age was carried out with the program and chase each other a scouting package that carried a sesame and integrated
3) Age of Secondary Education (13-18 years)
Education outside the school to the age of this kind of focused on education, as pelenggkap and penambah education programs for their
4) Age of Higher Education (19-24 ntahun)
Menyiapakan education outside the school ready for them to work through the provision of skills so that they become productive workers, ready to work and ready for self
Reviewed from Sex
This program is focused on the task of women because of the large number of them and less participation in the labor productivity and eferiensi education outside the school through their membanntu programs PKK, planning program and other
Based on the Social and Cultural Environment
Target education outside school can be:
1) Society Pendesaan
This community includes most of the people Indunesia and programs directed at programs and livelihood projgran pendayagunaan natural resources
2) Urban Society
Urban communities affected by the rapid development of science and technology, so that the community needs to get through the provision of additional information and khursus-khursus flash
3) Remote Community
For remote communities that need this fed through education outside schools that they can follow the progress and development of the national
Based on the specific targets students
1) Peseta students that can be classified as displaced, such as orphan
2) Participants of the students because of the various social, can not follow the education program of schooling
Based on the regulation
Education in schools outside the institution who have diverse as: family education, educational expansion and educational insight Dasa skills
Based on the Teaching System
Teaching System in the process of organizing and implementing educational programs outside the school include:
1) Groups, organizations and institutions
2) Mekenisme social and cultural, such as race rivalry
3) Art tradisioanal, such as puppets, ludruk, or modern technology such as television, radio, film, and as
4) infrastructure and facilities such as village hall, mosque, church, school equipment and apparatus work.
Based on the terms of Pelembangan Program
Pelembagaan program is the whole process of anhtara education program outside the school and community development
1) Program between the sectoral and community self-help, such as PKK, PKN, and P2WKSS.
2) Coordination Dasa planning or implementing development programs
3) Labor briefing at the central, provincial, district, subdistrict and village
2.5 vessel Activities of Foreign Education School
Homework 1
Courses still meet the teaching-learning elements such as people learn, learning resources, study programs, the study and pasilitas. System of teaching can be a lecture, discussion, practice, practice, and the assignment. And in the end there is a course evaluation to determine success in the form of STTB
2 Study Group
Study groups is an institution of learning which is done in a certain time depending on the needs of learning. The program can be a learning packages and learning can be shared between the source of learning and learning
3 Center Pemagangan
Pemagangan Center is an institution of learning which is the center of activity or workshop so that students can learn and work
In this case there are 2 kinds of
a) Apprenti peship
b) Internaship
4 Learning Center Activities
PKB in the community there are lyas such as boarding, the library, the building arts, took, worship house, garden experiment and others lembega-institute participants can obtain the teaching-learning process as they want
5 Family
Family is first and the main institutions that experienced by someone where the learning happens not berstruktur and its implementation is not bound by time. This program includes: social values, cultural, social, political, religious, idielogi, defense and security.
6 Self-Study
On the other hand, each individual can learn on your own anytime and anywhere through the book-reading scientific books, modules, textbooks and learning packages etc.
7 Other activities
These activities may include counseling, seminars, propaganda, workshops, panel discussions and sebgainya
3.1 theoretical study
Theoretical study on the paper entitled "Education Foreign School" this is. Fundamental Education is a Basic Education by the UNESCO's been particularly helpful for people to achieve social-economic progress, so that they can occupy a place in the world of modern lanyak. Education is clearly addressed to the people and the backward areas so that the community and this region can be compared with the surrounding community that have been developed
3.2 The Practical Study
Practical study in this paper on the vehicle for meleksanakan programs in an effort to create a learning environment to support the development of the students in the expansion kaitanya with insight and skill improvement of welfare families. The form-shape, namely:
a. Course
b. Study Group
c. Center Pemagangan
4.1 Conclusion
Education outside school is also called a system of education in which there keumpalan components (elements) that berhungan each other and organized to achieve the goal. So the education has been out of school are all elements required by a system such as students, educators, time, material and purpose
With education outside the school system means that there is a pattern to make certain the work / functions of the education, job / function which is different from the perjaklanan / function of the system of formal education. For example, the school is no longer the main duty to give lessons in the form factors and memorizing knowledge to students and schools is no longer a closed system. This means that schools should always provide an opportunity to the child at any time to obtain education, so that: the school must be a system that is open to children
4.2 Suggestions
As a dynamic process, education will always develop from time to time in accordance with the developments that occur in the environment generally. One of the characteristics of the development of education is the existence of changes in various system components such as the education curriculum in teaching and learning strategies, teaching aids, sara and the infrastructure, resources and so forth. This development is certainly will affect the lives of students both in the areas of academic, social and personal
Therefore, students are expected to adapt to the educational development of each going to achieve success, which means in the overall learning process.
Joesoef, Prof. Drs. Soeleiman. 1992. Basic Concept of Education Foreign School. Aksara Earth. Jakarta
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